
dear parents who are always talking about their children:

omg zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


sunday lolz


the parents are all right

currently they're out in the kitchen, debating and discussing blue velvet and what, exactly, was frank's fucking deal.


BUTT HASH-- are you and your family at risk?

now, i've been known to enjoy getting high every now and then, but seriously butt hash?




if you don't know, it's worse than what you're thinking (shit left to rot in a baggie out in the sun for several days, whereafter it is inhaled). personally, i think it's bunk. just another, as the wikipedia entry notes, "moral panic" dreamed up by some bored-ass coto de caucasian housewife betwixt insurance sales. it's all there, the imploring "what are your kids getting high w/ now!?" tone, the obligatory africa origin (which is obnoxiously enough called a "country"-- africa is not a MOTHERFUCKING COUNTRY, goddamn it all), etc., etc. whatever. people waste their time on this total, um, crap when there are legitimate things to worry about, such as cults that are offing babies in record numbers and offering toddlers in ritual sacrifices.

now if you'll excuse me, there's some pickled toe jam i have to inhale.