
nah, they'll still totally be huge in a few years, just like interpol and the strokes

ugh, i just watched peter bjorn anders jeb yakob whatever poop their way through that insipid hit pop song on jay leno. w/ them on stage was a tuneless karen-o-look-alike who mumbled w/ all the aplomb of a retarded yak. my first reaction was, why are they famous? but then i realized that they suck, so obviously they're famous. your rebuttal might be: "but that song's catchy," to which i would reply, "so is 'hangin' tough.'" catchy songs do not equal greatness. and more often than not, catchy songs become insufferable after the umpteenth time you hear them, which is something "poptimists" can't seem to admit. in a few years, kids will be amazed to learn that music was anything other than sonic wallpaper or something other than a soundtrack to commercials. "wait, people used to just sit and listen to music? lol, like reading or something?"

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