
the matter of time

this guy, john ziegler, is, objectively, the biggest douchebag in los angeles. i fucking h a t e this guy. three days into this wildfire calamity and he's already turned his radio show on super-right-wing KFI into a fucking partisan wasteland for his right-wing ideology. i've been listening to KFI since sunday b/c they've had full, pre-emptive coverage, and all of their local hosts have kept it blessedly ideology-free, save for this asshole who turned it into a "democrat this," "liberal that," blah blah and even somehow managed to throw in a few remarks about how californians are "better" than "those people" in new orleans b/c of how we've handled this. never mind that the two disasters are very different, under very different circumstances, etc.

ziegler was the subject of an elaborate* piece by david foster wallace for the atlantic monthly entitled "host." typical of wallace, not much in respect to psychology was explored, which is unfortunate, b/c ziegler is an absolute narcissist, dripping w/ contempt for his audience, for people in general, and especially for anyone who dares disagree w/ his absurd political ideology. i was looking forward to wallace dismantling ziegler, but alas, it never happened.

ziegler has been fired from three previous radio stations. the first two terminations were over racial jokes about black celebrities (i guess b/c racial jokes about white celebrities are boring?) and the third b/c he was chuckleheaded enough to make comments about a woman's (whom he happened to be dating at the time) physical characteristics. of course, b/c john ziegler is a right-wing talk radio show host, he is incapable of taking any responsibility for his actions. when it comes to liberals, women, minorities, homos, etc., it's all about the lack of personal responsibility amongst these types, but if you are a right-wing talk show host, you're somehow above such pedestrian strictures. it wasn't john ziegler who was to blame for getting john ziegler fired--three times!-- it was political correctness! yes. political correctness. 2007 and people are still blaming political correctness for everything that's wrong in society. if you get fired from three separate places of employment, i dunno, is the problem maybe you? maybe? not when it comes to john ziegler. b/c, you see, john ziegler is the real victim here. sure, minorities and women and liberals and whoever else like to act as if they're the victims, but it's really joe everymen like john ziegler who are constantly being short-changed. he's a talk show host employed by clear channel. on a flagship station. after being fired three times. for being a douche. he's sitting pretty. in los angeles. after being fired three times.

i mean, it's obvious who the victim is here. right?

oh yeah, ziegler is a racist fuckface, as well. last week he launched a semi-defense of james watson's comments that black people are intellectually inferior to white people. ziegler decried watson's more obvious proclamations, but he then went on to say that agree w/ watson re: africa not being as evolved as other continents or something like that. never mind that evolutionary biologists have completely dismissed watson's comments whole cloth as being the bona fide racist swill that they are. ziegler at least half agrees w/ the man.

it's no surprise, i guess, that ziegler waited all of one day before using these fires as a springboard for reasons #569-76 of why liberals are scumbags. it's just that, jesus, all the other right-wing hosts on KFI, who are doubtlessly strident in their douchery, have somehow managed to avoid making this a partisan issue thus far. in a sea of assholes, it takes a certain charm to stand out. cheers to you, mr. ziegler.

*yes, i know the adjective is redundant when discussing wallace, but it's there anyway.

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