
i fucking knew it

jesus christ, some people will just never learn, will they? that dusty dinosaur, erica jong, is at it again w/ her whole "you're just sexist" cant. gee, it was only a few weeks ago that she penned a weak-ass, bullshit fucking call for unity amongst the fractured left. so what's she blubbering about now? what do you think? that's right: any and everyone who didn't support hillary clinton is sexist. i wasn't aware i was sexist, but shit goddamn it, i'm kind of sick and fucking tired of being thought of as such because i happen to disagree w/ senator clinton's track record. is that allowed? evidently not. you see, because it's impossible to disagree w/ senator clinton on anything-- her vote for the war, her attitue toward iran and the kyle-lieberman bill, the scores of jobs lost in new york because of her, etc-- because, you see, when you examine it, disagreeing w/ her is really about your hatred of women. is that right? guess i hate women, then. somebody call the fucking thought police on my thuggish, half-black, women-hating ass. iz jus votin for barack because wez niggras are plottin' to take ova, pop some caps, and pimp some hoes. QFT, playa!

please, erica jong is the harry belafonte of feminism. is this what it's come to? also, i love all the bullshit at bullshit sites like jezebel where the commentards always go "listen, i don't want to play oppression olympics or anything . . . " and then go on to do exactly that. way to be insightful. how's that cognitive dissonance treating you at night? all right, so sexism wins the dick-sizing contest: it's much worse for women than it is for darkies. i get it. it's so obvious now, what, w/ him getting the nomination. your worst fears have been confirmed. now what? secession? move to vermont, form a new nation and elect senator clinton as pontifex maximus. then declare war on all perceived sexists-- after all, they're evil.

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