
oh no they dihn't!

apple's blurb for the new imac:

"you can't be too thin"

yeah, so as everyone already knew, apple unveiled the new imac. and, as everyone already knew, its update was largely cosmetic; however the specs aren't anything to sneeze at (320GB in the higher-end 20-inch? really? and firewire 800?). after i've had all day for it sink in, i have to say i think it looks cool, but i'm not sitting here glaring at my 17-inch imac and muttering, you worthless piece of shit. in fact, i'm still quite fond of the thing.

what i like: the specs, the aluminum, the black back casing, the black border around the screen
what i fucking don't like: glossy screen

it's this last point that really kills it for me. i hate glossy screens. one thing i love about my computer is its matte screen. thing is fucking radder than fuck. someone at macrumors posited a theory, and i'm apt to believe this, that apple put glossy screens on this imac to deter hardcore professionals from buying them (and cutting into mac pro sales).

if i was still shopping around for a mac i would probably buy this new imac. like i said, the glossy screen kills it for me, but i need the space for the shit i do. as it is, i'm definitely going to have to upgrade to a pro at some point when i have around $3,000 to spend lavishly. for audio and video shit, you mos def need one of those beasts (16 fucking GB of ram possible), especially if you're going to run pro tools, reason, ableton live, final cut, etc. and similar programs. the imac is really apple's simple home desktop machine. plus, the imac was my first mac and i didn't want to go all hogwild, even though i've used pros in the studio before.

anyway, i'm feeling pretty gay and geeky at this point, so i'll shut it. one thing that did catch my eye, though: the new keyboard. might have to pick one of those puppies up this weekend.

update: engadget has a bevy of imac pr0n.

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